Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Having a Kingdom Attitude 21

As we come to the close of the Sermon on the Mt., Jesus has been teaching His disciples what it means to live on this earth with a Heavenly Kingdom mindset, and thus ensuring a less stressful life. In Matthew 7:13-27, Jesus will conclude His teaching by helping us see the difference between authentic and fake Christians. On this earth we are confronted by many who call themselves "followers of Christ" but their actions do not mirror their words. Jesus will use four metaphors to help us better spot the real from the fake Christian: two gates, two trees, two works, and two foundations. The whole lesson can be summed up in one sentence: "An authentic Christian walks in God's path, while producing good fruit cultivated by obedience to the Father."

In the first session (7:13-14), we see that authentic Christians persevere on a costly path. While the major chose the wide gate, few will take the small, narrow, unpopular way. Lk 13:23 tells us "to strive to enter the narrow door..." It is a choice for a man or woman to take the road that the majority of people refuse to walk. It is a costly and lonely road, but yet it is the true way to heaven (John 14:6). The second session (7:15-20) teaches us that authentic Christians produce good fruit. Note, the emphasis is not on "no fruit" but rather "bad fruit." We know that lost people bear no fruit, but the bad fruit is a direct reference to those who say they are one thing but their fruit shows otherwise. In the third session (7:21-22), we learn that authentic Christians practice Godly obedience. There will be many who have performed "works of obligation" and yet the Savior will say that they were "worthless works". The only good works are works of obedience. Just knowing God's name or doing good works will not get anyone into heaven. Salvation is only through the work of the cross and our acceptance of that work for the forgiveness of our sin. When we seek to enter heaven any other way apart from God's righteousness, then we are labeled as "fake Christians." Next, week will will look at the final metaphor, the two foundations. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.