Monday, December 17, 2012

God Wants My Complete Trust (Part 5)

We have looked at Daniel chapter 6 for five weeks, each time learning how to lean on God in a world that seems to be crumbling all around us.  The attacks on Daniel went from bad to worse, but through it all Daniel believed and lived out a faith that declared that God was worthy of his complete trust and devotion.  As we come to the end of the story, King Darius could not sleep in is comfortable bed all night, while Daniel rested soundly in the lions den.  Can you see the picture of peace?  When you and I walk hand in hand with God, He gives peace to his children, even in the places void of peace (lion's den).  The sun could not rise fast enough before king Darius rushed to see how his friend had fared.  He must have had some faith to cry into that pit, "Daniel, has your God delivered you?"  Daniel replied that his faithful God had proven Himself faithful to His child, even in valley of the shadow of death.

Our final lesson on trusting God is this, when we find ourselves acquitted of any wrong doing, it should motivate us that much more to continue trusting in God.  God's protection upon Daniel was a sign that he was faithful and obedient to the greatest law: love God and love your neighbor has your own self.  As a result of their wicked act, the men who accused Daniel were the ones who were judged by both the king of the jungle, the king of Persia, and the King of kings.  Let me remind you as well, that we may not find our acquittal in this life, but rest assure, that our God will make all things right when we stand before Him (Hebrews 11).  What ever the case, whether we suffer for our faith in this life, or God delivers us from harm, He is worthy to be trusted with all our hearts, soul, and mind.  Live with this attitude in order to have a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep walking close with Christ.      

Monday, December 10, 2012

God Wants My Complete Trust (Part 4)

Whoever said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me", must have been living in a fairy land.  I have learned in my years of living that not only do words cut and tear to the bone, but none of us are immuned from hurtful words even when we are by ourselves.  There have been plenty of times when I have used words against myself, to put myself down, that had a negative affect on my spirit.  Words have power, and plenty of harsh words were spoken against prophet Daniel by his enemies (Daniel 6).  But our enemies do not seek to just use words against God's children, often they seek to physically assault, hurt, maim, and even kill God's children.  Throughout our world today, there are many believers facing similar opposition and threats for being a Christian, just as Daniel faced.  The ultimate threat being the taking of one's life.  

No matter how far Daniel's enemies took their hate, Daniel teaches us that God is worthy of our complete trust; even when we are abused by our enemies.  It was no picnic for Daniel to be thrown into this dark, smelly, fowl, contaminated, bacterial filled den of lions.  Most scholars believe that Daniel was in his 80's at this time, and to say the least, this was a great inconvenience to this senior adult.  Yet Daniel faced this physical assault with grace, leaving the final results in the hands of Almighty God.  The truth of the matter is, living a righteous life for God may not keep you or me out of the fiery furnace or lion's den, but it will be a place where we can meet the sovereign God.  No, it is not our desire to be attacked, alone, accused, and abused; but it should be our hearts desire that no matter the opposition thrown our way, we will completely trust and stay faithful to God.  He will see you through!  It is this truth that will give you a less stressed life in a stressed filled world.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.      

Monday, November 26, 2012

God Wants My Complete Trust (Part 3)

Have you ever been falsely accused?  When you first heard the accusation did you ignore it and never give a second thought?  Yes, everyone of us have been falsely accused.  Even Jesus Himself Jesus was the prime recipient to false lies and accusations.  And no, it is not our human nature to simply forget and ignore when our character has been attacked.  Our tendency is to react and do all we can to make the wrong right.  Yet, there will be times in the life of a Christian where "making things right" is out of our hands.  So we are then faced with a decision, can we trust God with the "out of control" part of our lives?  We have been looking at the prophet Daniel  and learning that the God of the Bible wants His children to completely trust in Him no matter the outward circumstance.  Daniel has been set up by his jealous co-workers, and in the process, his character has been attacked to make him out to be a traitor.  Even though the record shows Daniel to be a faithful citizen of Babylon, he is more loyal to Jehovah God.  So Daniel chooses to leave the outcome of this crisis quietly in the hands of his God, rather than vocally bring attention to himself.

Note how Daniel conducted himself (Daniel 6:10-15;24):  First, Daniel knew the rules, and still prayed.  To change his worship style, routine, and time, would have been an act of unbelief and cowardice.  He did not scheme around the laws of the land, he sought to continue to honor God through his actions of faithful prayer.  Second, Daniel knew the danger, and still prayed.  He realized that anyone caught praying would be killed, but his faith in God mirrored his three friends, a faith in a God who is able to deliver.  And third, Daniel knew the Father, and continued to pray faithfully.  When one has a personal relationship and walk with the Heavenly Father, no matter the outward storm and accusations, God's children can walk in peace.  God's Word promises, that God will keep His children in perfect peace whose minds are focused on trusting in Him completely (Is. 26:3).  With a God this strong, how can we not have a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.       

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

God Wants My Complete Trust (Part 2)

In Daniel 6, the prophet Daniel is helping us answer the following question, "How far an I trust God with my life?"  He is not answering this question on a game show or in a debate, but rather in his every day life.  Daniel is facing certain death because of his complete trust in God.  Laws have been voted and passed, and decrees have been issued to stop Daniel and others from praying to any god, including Jehovah God.  Daniel could have rationalized his situation and decided to be more private and quiet with his "relationship with God" until the storm blew over; but Daniel had a deeper confidence in His God, a God able to care and protect for all His children.  So last week we saw that when Daniel was attacked, he continued to trust in God.  The next condition that Daniel found himself facing was one of loneliness.

All the men that were jealous of Daniel, those who had turned their backs against him, were co-workers with  Daniel.  No, they probably did not hang out after each shift, but never the less they were people that Daniel knew, and maybe had a working relationship with.  It could also be implied that Daniel may have had friends who would pray with him, but now out of fear, have left him to pray alone.  We only read of Daniel being thrown into the lion's den, but was Daniel the only man of faith and prayer in Babylon, among the Jewish people?  And last, it is clear from this passage that Daniel and King Darius had a close relationship.  Yet in a moment of pride and deception, King Darius is swayed over to the "dark side", leaving Daniel alone.  It is in our lonely days in which our faith and trust in God will be greatly weakened or strengthened.  The truth for all Christians is they we are never alone when they trust completely in Christ.  In Psalms 56, we read that while  David was facing fear and loneliness, he was bold to declare, "In God I have put my trust;".  If you and I will will make the commitment to trust God complete, even when we are alone, then we will have a less stressful life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.            

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

God Wants My Complete Trust

When I was a young boy, I can remember several times my dad would put me on an object that seemed high off the ground (like a well cover), and tell me to jump off and he would catch me.  The distance to the ground seemed far, but I always knew that the distance to my dad's arms would always be closer.  So I would jump, trusting in my dad's ability and willingness to catch me.  When we come to Daniel 6,  the prophet Daniel finds himself in another difficult situation.  In fact, we could say that unlike the other times, this situation is one of the most stressful Daniel will encounter.  It seems that some jealous co-workers were setting Daniel up for destruction by targeting his faith in God.  If Daniel is convicted, he will lose his job, his position, his possessions, and his life.  Daniel has a major decision to make:  "Will he continue to live out his faith in public or keep it to himself in private?"  Or another way of saying describing his situation is, "Will he trust God with his life or will he take matters in his own hands to preserve his life?"

The first situation that proved Daniel completely trusted in God was the fact that when Daniel was attacked, he did not retaliate but rather continued to trust God with the situation.  His faith was under assault (6:1-5), but Daniel knew that the Author of his faith was stronger than any threat thrown his way.  Daniel was called a righteous man (Ez. 14:14), because his faith was not shaken by the wind, but rather kept anchored to the Rock of Ages, Christ Jesus.  Too many Christians have a wishy-washy faith.  Daniel's reaction to persecution teaches us a precious truth found in Matthew 5:11-12, that when our character and faith are attacked by the world, that attack does not give us permission to stop trusting or serving God.  Just like the three Hebrew friends of Daniel, with his silence he was preaching the following sermon, "My God is able to deliver me, but He he chooses not to, I will not stop praying and seeking His face."  If you and I have this type of confidence and trust in Christ Jesus, then we will have a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.        

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

God Alone is Worthy of All Glory (Part 2)

As we continue to look at Daniel chapter 5 and king Belshazzar's prideful attitude toward Jehovah God, I want to share a little more on one of the points I made last time that contribute significantly to man's stress and worry levels, and that point is "living life by our own set of rules".  Daniel represents the man who honors God through obedience and faith.  Belshazzar represents the man who thinks he knows better than God, and that he can make his own rules to live by.  The mindset represented by the second man may be received better by our sinful and selfish ears; and it might work some what for a while, but you can rest assured that every time man has decided to play and run his life by his own rules, the end result for that man is trouble and great distress.

Notice three key rules that men are tempted by Satan to make for themselves.  These three rules were offered by Satan to Jesus during Jesus' temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11).  First, that money and power will buy happiness (7:16-17).  How much more stress is brought into one's life the more money, power, and influence they have?  The second rule/lie is that God's discipline and judgment does not apply to me (7:20-23).  When we live our life as if we don't have to live by God's Word, then we are setting ourselves for a great collapse.  And the third rule/lie spurred on by Satan is to get us to believe that we are number one (7:23), and that no one else matters.  We live in a culture that glorifies the lifting high into the air the first finger beside our thumbs.  Our sinful nature is bent toward self-exaltation.  If you and I buy into any one of these three lies, then we then set ourselves against God's will for our lives, and rob Him of the glory He deserves.  And usually a thief has more stress in their life than peace.  Until next time, keep walking close with Christ.        

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

God Alone is Worthy of All Glory

When Daniel chapter 6 opens, the great king Nebuchadnezzar has been dead for over twenty years and the kingdom of Babylon is on a downward spiral.  The king on the throne is Belshazzar, who cares more about drinking, eating, and immorality than helping his own people.  Even while his city is surrounded by the Meade and Persian army, king Belshazzar decides to continue his feasting and to live his life as if God never existed.  The Bible calls that state of mind as foolish (Psalms 14:1).  Ancient records detailing the overthrow of Babylon, state the following about the king, "The Persians killed the Babylonian king, a riotous, indulgent, cruel, and godless young man."  He is so prideful that he even defies his own grandfather's decree (3:29), and defiles the holy vessels from the temple of Jerusalem; an act of putting oneself above the God who those vessel's represents.  

As Belshazzar partied like a fool, he was living out five of the greatest lies Satan is sows among his people.  First, live as if you have no enemy.  Second, live as if there are many gods.  Third, live as if you have all the answers.  Fourth, live by your own set of rules.  Fifth, live as if you will live forever.  All five lies glorify and stroke our egos, while robbing God of His glory, the glory He has created each person to give Him (Rev. 4:11).  All humans live with the responsibility that no matter the experiences of life, we are to point people to the one and only true God.  If we are not pointing people to God, then it is safe to say we are pointing people to ourselves.  When we live our lives without the overwhelming desire to do all for God's glory, then we will find ourselves living foolishly.  Then by living foolishly, we can assure ourselves of a life filled with much needless stress.  Until next time, in all you do, keep pointing people to God.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

God Alone is the Ruler of This World

I believe the musical group Tears for Fears sung a song that boldly stated, "Everybody wants to rule the world".  In the heart of every human lies a desire to be the best, to rule over something or someone.  We see this desire manifest itself when Satan rebelled in heaven, wanting to be above God.  When Satan failed at his revolt, he planted the same idea in the mind of Eve, suggesting to her that she could be like God if she would make her own choices.  Someone has said that when we chooses to deny God's complete sovereignty in this world, then we are making ourselves sovereign.  It is no different for king Nebuchadnezzar, in Daniel 4.  This chapter opens up during Nebuchadnezzar's golden years of ruling over most of the world.  Even though there has been clear events in his life, proving that there is only one true and living God, Nebuchadnezzar cannot but help stroke his ego again, by giving himself all the praise for his kingdom rather than praising Jehovah God.  The wages of his god-complex is a reduction in mental capacity.  He becomes like a beast in the field.

Some time passes, and God has mercy on Nebuchadnezzar, and allows this animal-like king to regain his mind, and when he does, he breaks out into worship (4:34-37).  Just like the prodigal son who came to his senses, so too does Nebuchadnezzar, and rightly confesses his position before God.  He declares his weakness.  He declares God's sovereignty.  He acknowledges man's lowly position before God; and he confesses that God is both true and righteous.  Even after seeing what God did in the fierily furnace, Nebuchadnezzar was still guilty of placing himself above God.  If you and I are not careful, we may witness many of God's great miracles and His acts of mercy throughout our lives, and yet this does not immune us from being tempted to think we are our own boss, and give little thought to God's role in our lives.  When we keep a humble heart before God, and let Him rule completely in our lives, we can rest knowing that our lives will be less stressful than those who seek to be their own god.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.      

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

God Is Able To Deliver At All Times

Isaiah 26:3 states That God will keep His children in perfect peace when we fix our minds to trust only in Him.  Real peace of mind is a gift from God to those who keep their trust in Him alone.  This verse is lived out in Daniel 3 when we meet three of Daniel's friends, confronted with a great obstacle to their faith.  These young men are commanded to worship an idol (compromise their faith), follow the crowd, and go in the opposite direction of their moral beliefs.  It would have been very easy for these men to go along with the crowd, or even bow down, not to worship but rather to "tie their sandals", and then go on with their life as if nothing happened.  The truth of the matter is, it takes great strength and courage for believers to live out God's Word in a corrupt and sinful culture.   

The three Hebrew children have been commanded to worship an idol, or face death.  To say the least, this would have been a very stressful command...well, stressful to those who believed that Jehovah was the only God worthy of praise, honor, and worship.  Deep inside each man, a struggle begins between wrong and right, compromise or courage, indifference or integrity.  Well, I believe it did not take long, before these three men chose to side with their faith in Jehovah, God.  They chose to stand openly when everyone else bowed down (3:1-7).  They spoke boldly their convictions when everyone else chose to compromise (3:8-18).  And they walked boldly in faith where everyone else feared (3:19-27).  The end result was that God honored these men for their faith with His personal presence of protection.  We too have been given a hostile environment to live out our faith.  We must live out a faith that believes that God will always honor those who are faithful to Him, and that He is able to deliver us from any impossible circumstance the enemy throws our way.  It is when we live out these truths that we as Christians are able to live a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.    

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

God Completely Knows Your Future

One of the greatest factors of stress is the unknown.  There is a show on TV called Doomsday Preppers where individuals are planning at great lengths for various "end-of-the-world" scenarios.  Many of those portrayed have spent thousands of dollars preparing their families for a future doomsday event.  They are so stressed out about the end time that they spend more time living/fearing the future than enjoying their present life.  In Daniel 2, God is going to show King Nebuchadnezzar, that although he thinks himself to be the "king of all kings", that there is one King who has the final say over all history, both past, present and future.  Nebuchadnezzar has been given a dream that has stressed him to the breaking point.  He has done everything in his power to create a dominate, world-wide kingdom, and yet his dream leaves him uncertain about his own future.  He commands that all the brilliant minds in his kingdom interpret every detail of his dream or face death.  The only reaction his scholars and wise men have is to say, "Your request is impossible!  Only a god who talks to men could give such information." (2:10-11).

Well, there is one man in his kingdom, Daniel, who has a personal connection with the only true God, Jehovah.  While the wise men ran around crying "the sky is falling", Daniel, a secure believer in God, was  unflappable, confident, and secure.  His future did not rest in his own power and wisdom, but rather in the arms of the One who holds the whole world in His hands.  After spending all night in prayer, Daniel approached the king and boldly declared how God has predetermined history to unfold.  Three kingdoms will follow the Babylonian Kingdom (Persia, Greek, and Roman), and then the great Rock of Ages (Jesus Christ) will be ushered in, crush all kingdoms, never to be moved.  In a world of great uncertainly from one moment to the next, there is great assurance knowing that even though the most brilliant minds don't know tomorrow's events, there is a God who is sovereign over all creation, and He knows every step we will take, even into our future.   It is a personal relationship with this God, Christ Jesus, that creates a less stressed life about tomorrow's events.  Until next time, keep walking close with Christ.          

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

God Honors Righteous Living (Part 3)

To be successful in life one must have confidence in what they are trying to accomplish.  Success is not found in cowards.  To be considered a "success", begins with the birth of an inward confidence that is made visible through hard work and passion.  The same formula can be applied with living out a Christian life in a hostile world.  God has given each believer His Holy Spirit, whose mission is to help each one grow in confidence, courage, and commitment, to live out loud what God is doing within each heart.  This young man Daniel, reflects this truth, as he displayed his determination to live a righteous, God honoring life, in a hostile world.  This determination and commitment first began from within his heart and then flowed from his words and his actions (Daniel 1:9-13). 

How confident was Daniel in God's righteous path?  Notice Daniel's actions.  First, he was confident to go respectfully to the officials in charge.  He did not protest, have a sit in, or start an occupy moment.  His life and testimony was being lived out for others to see, and when he came in respect, they listened to what he had to offer.    Second, Daniel had a plan B.  When the first person turned him down, he went to the next person, and asked them to test out his substitute menu for a few days.  If the results did not meet their standards, then Daniel would do it their way (humility).  Third, Daniel was confident (bold) that God would use their menu to bring the needed results.  Why?  Because God always honors righteous living.  And as a result, God blessed these young men physically (14-16), mentally and spiritually (17-20), and blessed them continually in the palace (1:21).  When the goal to honor God in all we do grips our heart, then it will be reflected in our walk and talk.  And it is this confidence that allows us to trust in God and to have a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.   

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

God Honors Righteous Living (Part 2)

Daniel 1:8 is one of the powerful verses in this book.  This verse gives us a glimpse into the heart of the young man named Daniel, a heart convinced that God would at all times and in any location honor those who chose to live righteously.  This verse states, "But Daniel purposed in his mind that he would not defile himself...."  This commitment on Daniel's part was not a spur-of-the-moment decision or a popularity decision.  Daniel was clearly in the minority, seeing the reaction of the king's court (10).  Daniel had made up his mind that even in a foreign land, with no one watching his back, and in an environment to live however he chose, he would still live his life pursuing God's heart.  This decision came out of a heart already firmly committed long before he was brought into this pagan land.  He had the freedom to live as he chose, but deep inside his heart he knew that even in Babylon he would represent the God of his people in this distant land.  The God of the Bible does not water down His standards when it comes to righteous living, even if man's outward circumstances change. 

It is no different for you and I today.  Paul instructs all Christians in 1 Corinthians 8 & 9 that even though we have freedom to chose how we are going to live, and what habits we are going to continue or stop, our freedom is depended on what God's Word says about a matter and how our fellow man will be helped or hindered by those actions.  Is the food we are eating, the places we are going, the clothes we are wearing,  showing our love for God and our neighbor, or are they being used to make our own lives more comfortable and pleasurable?  Even as Christians, we have a responsibility to make inward choices from the heart that will guide our decision making in the future.  There are many who are watching our lives.  And the only life that truly pleases God is a life that chooses to walk after God's righteous standard.  Any other standard will weaken our testimony.  If you purpose to walk closely with Christ and live by His standards, I can guarantee you will have a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep seeking God's kingdom and His righteousness. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Time to Take the Test

I have been blogging about God's sovereignty as seen in the book of Daniel.  The whole premise of this blog has been to encourage Christian to walk daily with Christ to ensure a life that will be less stressful than those who seek to live their life without a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Well, today will begin the start of putting into practice what I so dearly believe and what I have so boldly preached about for a number of years.  On this day, my dad, my best friend, my spiritual mentor has been diagnosed with cancer.  The man who has never spent a day in the hospital, who has rarely been sick for more than two days is now facing the valley of cancer.  As I see him in that hospital bed, hooked up to all sort of machines, like Daniel, this is an unwanted place.  We did not volunteer to get cancer.  We did not sign up for the next hospital bed.  Cancer developed in my dad's body, surprising all his family and even doctors; yet cancer did not surprise God.  I can see even at this moment that God has been preparing my sister, brother, and myself for this moment.  God has been working and dealing with my mom and dad for years for this moment.  No, we did not expect the diagnoses, but God has been working all along to make sure that this valley will not destroy us, but to make us stronger.  So now we have been given a test to see if walking closely with Christ really does matter, and if knowing Christ personally, truly lessens life's stressful valleys.  As of this moment, without Christ's presence I would be a basket case; yet in His presence I have His peace.          

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

God Honor's Righteous Living

There are many people who ask themselves the following question, "Does it matter if I do the right thing?"  There are also many Christians who ask themselves a similar question, "Does God really care if I do the right thing?"  It would seem that our lives would be less stressful if we just did want our flesh wanted to do.  When we bring into the equation the option to do the "moral" or "right" thing, then we have opened ourselves to a little more stress for our conscience.  The world say, "If it feels good, as long as you don't hurt anyone, just do it"; while God's Word instructs His children to think differently.  It is no different with Daniel.  We have seen that he was uprooted from his home and placed in the wicked city of Babylon.  Everything that he had ever wished he could do, without his parents finding out, was right at his feet.  He could act, talk, live, and think any why he wanted to with little to no opposition, but something was different with Daniel - he was convinced that no matter where he was, God expects and would honor right living. 

Daniel 1:8 states it this way, "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king's choice food or with the wine which he drank..."  Daniel purposed early on that he would honor God by the physical choices he made, even in a foreign land.  You see, righteous living can only begin with an inward change.  You and I do not have the strength to live a moral and right life on our own.  The Bible declares that all men are filthy and no one does any good (Ps. 14:3, Rom. 3:10).  We are all born into sin and born destined to live for our selves; which in turn causes great stress.  But when we recognize our position as enemies of God, and cry out for mercy and forgiveness from a holy and righteous God, then the Bible states that we are clothed in Jesus' righteousness and we can stand innocent before God on the day of judgment, because of the work of Christ Jesus on the cross.  And those who have experienced this change of relationship with God, then they are expected, but also long to live right before God.  Even when we are facing the most uncertain or difficult choices and situations of life, God will always honor those who walk after righteousness (Psalms 1).  If you have experience this inward change of heart with God, then your life will be less stressful.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.    

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Not Misplaced by God (Part 4)

Do your friends and family know you better by a nickname than your real name?  A nickname usually is never chosen by a person, but rather by a friend or family member who witnessed you doing something funny, strange, unusual, or memorable.  Whether you like it or not, a nickname has a strange way of holding on to one's identity throughout life.  It was no different for Daniel.  In chapter one, we find Daniel being carried away to a pagan land, removed from his country and people, taken to an unwanted location, living in unfamiliar environments, and working in an unlikely mission.  To make matters worse, now the king wants to change his identity.  Daniel and his three friends are given pagan names (1:6-7), as a way of erasing their past life and giving them a new start.  Will Daniel (God is my Judge) choose to continue to trust in his God, who seems missing, or will he embrace his new identity as Belteshazzar (may Bel protect), and embrace a new god?  

Life is not fair!  There will be times in the life of a Christian in which the world will try to brand you with a new identity.  The world wants you and I to be like them, to join in their foolishness, to give caution to the wind, and to live according to our own rules.  Each new name given by king Nebuchadnezzar was an attempt to rob their allegiance to the true God and replace it with the false god of materialism, sex, and prosperity.  If the world is not successful in getting a child of God to act, talk, and think like them, then they will begin to label God's children with all sort of false titles and descriptions (like holy Joe, bigoted, narrow-minded, goody two shoes, ect...) that are used to break their spirits and belittle one's faith.  Through all the name calling, you can rest assure that God knows His children by name, and no matter the labels the world places on us, God has not misplaced His children.  And we have a promise in Revelation 2:17, that those who overcome this world will be given a new name from our Heavenly Father.  When we realize that God is pleased when we wear His name with distinction in this world, then we will be less stressed in this world.  Until next time, keep walking close with Christ. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Not Misplaced By God (Part 3)

If you were to ask most Christians what place of service God would most likely choose for His children, you might get a variety of answers that center around the theme of "Ministries of the church".  Many Christians think that they are not a "higher tier Christian" if they are not a pastor, evangelist, missionary, or even Sunday school teacher.  This idea could not be further from the truth.  Yes, it is correct to say that God has called all of His children to be missionaries, but as one man put it, "I am a missionary cleverly disguised as a plumber."

We see this truth lived out in the life of Daniel.  Daniel is not a prophet, walking the streets, preaching the judgment of God (like Jeremiah).  Daniel is not a prophet leading people through a dry wilderness (like Moses).  Daniel is not a missionary explaining the gospel to pagans (like Paul).  God has called Daniel to be a prophet, cleverly disguised as a politician.  What!  God would call someone to work in politics?   Yes, God needs His children available to work in every part of this world, to be a light for the gospel in a dark environment. 

Daniel realized that he was not misplaced by God, even though given the most unimaginable mission for a  Jew.  A devout Jewish male did not want to be serving in the palace of the "anti-Christ", but rather in the Kingdom of the Messiah.  But Daniel accepted the events and mission he was given, but did so without compromising his faith and trust in the sovereign God. (1:4-5).  You see no matter where you are working in this earthy realm, Christians must hold to two truths: First, God has given you that job, and He wants you to witness for Him wherever that job may be.  Second, your secular position never gives you the right to compromise God's Word with your actions.  No matter the job you have, work every day for God's glory, knowing He has placed you on mission for Him.  If you remember this every day, then your work will be not as stressful and unsatisfying.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Not Misplaced By God (Part 2)

A week ago, I took my family to a baseball game, specifically to watch the firework show at the end of the game.  The game had everything you could image, including a grand-slam, but it also had a lot of sun.  Three out of the four hours we spent staring at the sun, making our experience a little warm to say the least.  Throughout the game I kept hearing my five year old daughter make the following statement, "It's too hot.  This was not a good day to come to the game."  What my daughter was saying was not that she did not like the game, but rather the location of our seats and the blazing sun made the game less enjoyable.  The prophet Daniel could have made the same observation as he was being dragged from his homeland of Judea, to the foreign city of Babylon (Daniel 1).  Of all places that God would chose to send His children, why Babylon?  This city was the most modern city of it's time, but it was also a pagan, idolatress, immoral, and very wicked city.  Before Las Vegas, Babylon's motto was "What happens in Babylon stays in Babylon!" 

So Daniel had to decide quickly whether God had control of every event taking place in his life.  If he was going to survive spiritually in such a wicked environment as Babylon, he must hold tightly to the truth that Jehovah God is sovereign, and no matter how dire the location, this God would never misplaced any of His children.  This truth even applies when we find ourselves in places and locations where we don't want to be.  Have you been there?  (hospital, funeral home, unemployment line, new school or city, or even alone on the streets)  As a Christian, you will never survive the worry and stress that comes from ending up in unwanted locations until you begin to realize that the key to a victorious mindset begins when I trust God conpletely with my life, my future, and with those unwanted locations.  Just like Daniel, Nehemiah, Esther, Moses, and may other servants, God always uses those unlikely places to help us grow and depend on Him, as well us He plants us in unwanted locations to be His light to those living in darkness.  Well, until next time, keep walking close with Christ.   

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Not Misplaced by God

Have you ever misplaced something that was a great worth and value to you?  Of course we all have!  How stressful and how anxious be become as the deadline draws near and we have yet to find our wallet, purse, keys, concert tickets, or even our child.  It is no different with humanity.  As billions of people roam throughout this earth, most live with a constant feeling of being lost, misplaced, or not even cared for on this giant rock we call earth.  Even for Christians, there will be times in our lives in which we feel misplaced on this earth by God.  It was no different for Daniel, a young teenager ripped from his home land of Judea, forced to live as a slave, and dropped into an alien environment in Babylon.  Here was a young man who loved God, and now is all alone in a hostile and pagan environment, forced to surround himself by the very things that he was taught to be sin.  Yet, it is in this situation that Daniel learns about living each day with conviction that God is completely sovereign.

In Daniel 1:1-7, Daniel showed his confidence in God's sovereignty by living his life on the truth that God had not misplaced him; God knew exactly where he was - even during the uncontrollable circumstances in his life (1:1-2).  Daniel did not have a vote or a choice whether king Nebuchadnezzar would attack and destroy his city of Jerusalem.  He had no control whether or not to go as a captive to Babylon.  But even as this young man's world crumbled around him, he could see the hand of God when he wrote, "The LORD gave Jehoiakim to Nebuchadnezzar" (1:2).  Daniel learned an important lesson about life, even though he was not able to control the outward circumstances of life, he could always trust in the God who controls everything.  And if you and I live with such a mindset, our life will be less stressful when our world is turned inside out.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.    

Monday, June 11, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 23)

In the last chapter of Revelation were hear three voices encourage and instruct the readers of this precious book: an angel, the Lamb, and finally the apostle John.  John, the recipient of this letter, pens the epilogue in the form of three points of encouragement and warning.  First, there is always a blessing upon those who are redeemed (14-15).  This is a reoccurring theme in the whole Bible, which goes contrary to the world's teaching.  Those who flee sin and have a hatred toward those actions that displease God, will aways be approved by God; while those who practice sin will never be able to inherit heaven.  Second, John gives us the prayer of the Holy Spirit and the Church.  This one word prayer is always on the lips of the Holy Spirit, and should be on the lips of each blood-bought Christian - "COME!"  This prayer has two purposes: first, to invite the lost to the Living Water.  Second, it is a prayer that invites God's Kingdom to come even now. 

The final word of instruction from John includes a curse that must be understood in light of Deut. 29:19-20.  When a covenant was entered into by two parties, the consequences for not keeping the document and agreement were usually listed at the end of the document.  God has placed a curse upon all those who have disguised themselves as wolves in sheep's clothing in the church.  Any false teacher who adds or takes away from this book and from God's Word will find themselves under God's curse of eternal judgment and separated from His eternal presence.  This warning is directed to anyone who thinks they are bigger than God and choose to deliberately tamper with Scripture and teach false doctrine.  No true believer would ever deliberately tamper with Scripture.  We may mistakenly teach or interpret God's Word, but to knowingly change what God has said into a lie is worthy of God's death penalty.  Never forget, at the beginning of this book we are given a wonderful blessing each time we read and obey it (1:3).  If we daily remember who is in control of our lives and who has the whole world in His hands, then our lives will be less stressful.  Until next time, keep walking close with Christ Jesus.    

Monday, June 4, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 22)

We have been looking at the last chapter of the Bible, written by the apostle John, to Christians around the world.  The final words are words of encouragement to those who are going through great persecution for being a follower of Christ.  Many who read this book are discouraged, hurting, and looking for any sign of hope for the return of Christ.  So it should not surprise us that the last chapter is filled with words of encouragement, from three different sources, to Christian readers living in various stressful times.  The first words came from the lips of an angel in the form of three commands:  Believe in God's true word!  Worship God alone!  Continue living holy lives was you wait for Christ's return! 

The second person to speak and encourage the Christian reader come from the lips of the Lamb, Christ Jesus.  Notice what Jesus has to say to the believer as they live expecting and waiting for God's kingdom to be completed on this earth as it is in heaven.  First, Jesus states that He will always bless the obedient (22:7).  Those who "heed" are those who obey, protect, and guard God's Word in their lives.  If we choose to obey all of God's written word, then there is a continual blessing on those believers.  Second, Jesus emphasises that He is coming quickly (22:7,12-13,20).  The word "quickly" does not mean in a few minutes, but rather implies that the clock has been started, and it cannot be stopped by man or event.  Jesus Christ is coming soon and everything is on course for that event.  Third, Jesus encourages the reader to always remember that He is the author of the book (22:16).  Human nature has a demonic tendency to put the Bible on the same level of any other religious book or secular book written by men.  The Bible has it's origins from the very lips of God, and it is a miracle that He used sinful men, led under the power of the Holy Spirit, to pen the words that He spoke.  If we believe that He wrote this book, then everything in it's pages is complete and true, just like God's own character.  And we have this assurance that if we completely believe and obey Jesus' final instruction to us, then you and I will live out a victorious Christian life and will have less stress as we wait for His return.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.       

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 21)

When we come to the final chapter in the book of Revelation, we hear three distinct voices giving the Apostle John, as well as it's readers, final instruction about our activities, as we wait for Christ's return.  John does not hear instructions to pursue, wealth, health, prosperity, and happiness.  The final instruction for all believers is to pursue holiness as we wait for the return of our Lord and Savior.  If we live our lives as the world preaches, to pursue the advancement of self interest, I can guarantee a life filled with unwanted stress and misery.  But if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and pursue after a life of obedience and holiness in accordance to God's Holy Word, then and only then will we begin to understand our true purpose of life and be less worried about tomorrow as we seek to live each day for God's glory. 

In Revelation 22:6,8-9,10-11, we hear the voice of God's angel giving John three important directives.  First, Believe in This Book for it is True (6).  I read a teenager's comments the other day that stated since the world is changing and becoming more understanding, the Bible needs to be updated to 21st century times.  How foolish to say that you believe in a perfect God and yet in the next breathe state that the Bible has errors and needs to be modernized.  God's Word is unique in that it stands the test of time for any civilization.  The Word speaks to every human need without compromise: the problem of sin and humanities need for a Savior.  Second, John is instructed to Worship God Alone (8-9).  That command needs no explanation other than the fact as you continue reading, Jesus Christ is that God worthy of worship.  Third, the angel instructions John to Continue Living Holy Lives (10-11).   Those who are bent toward sin will continue to sin without repentance, yet the true believer will hate sin and seek to live a life as Christ lived, holy and righteous before God.  If you and I hear and live out these three commands, not only is God pleased with us, but you will have a less stressful time understanding God's purpose for you life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.   

Monday, May 14, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 20)

The key subject for this blog is the word "stress".  I have talked about how it affects all humans, some key causes to stress, and how we can alleviate most of our stress in this life.  When we talk about "heaven" is it safe to say that it will be a place where there will be no "stress" as we know it today?  The subject of afterlife must be answered by all religions and worldviews.  A few religions have no clear answer about afterlife, thus creating more stress for their followers.  Most religions try to answer the question about afterlife by describing a world beyond this one that is quite different than the one we are experiencing now.  A place usually described as free from pain, death, sadness, and stress.  Most religions teach of an afterlife  called "heaven" or "nirvana".  Well, the concept of heaven is described in greater detail in Revelation 21.  It would seem that after the earth has been cleansed by fire, God will bring heaven and earth together, and this will be the new heaven and earth described in Scripture.  God Himself, the Lamb of God will personally sit and rule over all the earth from His throne in Jerusalem.  All those who have accept and declared Jesus to be Lord and Savior will rule and reign with Him on this new earth/heaven.  For you see, the Scriptural description of heaven is not a place out in the middle of the universe, but it is the place where Jesus is. 

In this new heaven and earth, several new realities will be experienced that will remove the stresses that we face living in a sinful world.  First, God's presence will be realized in all it's fullness (3).  God will be with His people.  Second, God's comfort will be personally experienced in it's fullness (4).  No more tears, sorrow, pain, or death will be a part of heaven's residents.  Third, all of God's promises will be lived out and fulfilled.  Fourth, all the blessings of God will be experienced and lived under for all of eternity.  There will be no more curses, but we will live in the constant healing that flows from the throne of God.  The residents of heaven will bask forever in the light of God's glory, and it will be the source of power that draws the nations of the world to God's very throne to worship and adore Him forever .  God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ will be the center of the universe in this new heaven and earth, and forever more we will serve, worship, and enjoy the most meaningful of all lives, without the stresses that distract us from a perfect work.  With our eyes fixed forward heaven, we can look forward to a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 19)

Everyone can think a place that they would rather not go; places that cause the heart to beat a little faster in fear, and moisten the palms of our hands with perspiration.  For me, just the thought of going to get a shot causes me anxiety, even though I know most shots don't really hurt.  The idea of talking or visiting with someone from the IRS causes some stress even when I know all the paperwork is in working order.  And as a pastor, it takes some prompting of my self-conscience to go to the home of someone I know may be upset with me.  Yet as a Christian (a person who has given their heart to Jesus Christ and is committed to follow Him where-ever He leads), there is one destination of the most stressful kind, that we will never have to visit, and that is hell.  In Revelation chapter 20, the apostle John gives us a glimpse into hell and the lake of fire, two places that were made for the devil and his angels; yet a place that all people will go who choose to reject Christ as Savior and Lord, and try to get to heaven on their own terms.   

God is perfect, holy, and righteous.  Sin is not conforming to God's law and standard of living.  So by the very definition, sin and God can never mix, ever.  So while heaven is the place where God dwells, it makes perfect sense that hell would be the place that sin demands.  The Bible states that all humanity who have rejected Christ Jesus will stand before the Righteous Judge at the Great White Throne Judgement (20:11-15), not to defend themselves but to hear their sentence.  All the lost will be judged from several books, including the Bible and the Lamb's Book of Life, and their final sentence will be eternal death in the lake of fire.  There will be no second chances, no do-overs, no mercy.  The punishment for a sinful, rebellious attitude toward God's Word will manifest itself in this awful place called the Lake of Fire.  As Christians, we are quick to warn people about a bad restaurant, but why in God's name are we timid to warn people about a places Jesus mentioned more times than heaven, hell.  If we are truly walking close to Christ, then we will have the passion to tell more people about the realities of hell, a place that should bring fear to our heart anytime we hear the word. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 18)

As we continue our journey through the book of Revelation, we arrive at chapter 19, a chapter that describes two suppers. I rarely have met anyone who would tell me that they did not like supper time. Some of my greatest memories growing up happened around the supper table...and even breakfast and lunch tables. Overall, I enjoyed eating, and it will continue to be an enjoyable activity in heaven. The first meal is recorded in verses 1-10, and it is commonly known as "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb." This meal is clearly invitation only. Revelation 19:9 is an invitation to both O.T. & tribulation believers to join the bride in this supper. This meal represents the consummation between the bride (church) and the groom (Lamb/Jesus), at last, reunited for all time. All the saints, every human who is saved, will be apart of this supper to celebrate the long awaited reunion with the Lover of our souls.

In verses 11-21 we read of the second meal, a meal not so appetising. This supper could be called "The Supper of the Great God" in which God will judge the world by the word of His mouth, and as a result, all those on the earth who stood opposed to His will and reign will be destroyed. There will be no long drawn out battles. There will be no questing the outcome. In fact the vultures are called together to prepare to feast on the carcases of those who will all be destroyed in the Battle of Armageddon. And the Bible states that while the beast and false prophet will be cast into the lake of fire, the rest of humanity will be cast into hell, waiting for their eternal sentence before the Great White Throne judgment of God. There is only one supper that each one of us should long to be a part of, but only those who have accepted Jesus as Savior will be allowed into the event. Have you? If you have, then your life should be less stressful then those who continue to stand oppose to Jesus (John 14:6). Well, until next time, keep walking with Christ.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 17)

Every human begins their journey as a rebel against God. This is a truth lived out in the world and lived out in Scripture. Even Satan, a created being, rebelled against God. Adam and Eve, created humans, rebelled against God's one law, and brought sin upon all mankind. In Genesis 6, man is so rebellious against God that God chooses to destroy the earth with the flood. Then after the flood, it is not long before those who witnessed and heard first hand accounts about God's power were rebelling against Him by building a tower called Babel, instead of populating all the earth as God commanded humans to do. It should not surprise us then when we come to the last book of the Bible, the past, present, and future heart of man can be summed up with that one word, "rebellious."

The title of "Babylon" in chapters 17 & 18 is not in reference to a particular city, but rather it represents man's rebellion toward God; a universal system that is being manipulated by the anti-Christ to pollute the whole world with his false message of religion, pride, and wealth. Babylon represents a false, evil, and wicked system, a cancer, that corrupts both the religious and economic systems of the world, in the end of time. The "mysterious woman" found in chapter 17 represents the conglomerate of all the false teachers, doctrines and religions on the earth. She is called the "Harlot", the opposite of the Church, "the Bride". This system will be intoxicating and addicting (vs.2), and the whole world will celebrate their rebellious heart against Almighty God. But as you read a little further in the chapters, you see the collapse of both systems as God begins to judgment humanity for their defiant rebellion against His Word. The end is always the same for those who choose to rebel against God, absolute discipline and judgment. This warning should always motive God's children to carefully listen, believe, and obey His every word. If we choose, that path, then our lives will be less stressful. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 16)

In the Bible, songs, music, and singing takes on a significant role in both the Old and New Testaments. In fact we have one whole book devoted to praise and worship, Psalms. It should not surprise us then when we look into heaven we are constantly being reminded of the prominent role music and singing has in heaven. The worship around the throne of God is constant and always exalts one person, Jesus! John gives the reader another glimpse into heaven and the musical cantata from the choirs of heaven. We are told in Revelation chapter 15 that two particular musical arrangements are being sung: The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb. These two songs represent OT and NT saints all coming together as one voice, praising God for the victory they have experience through the work of the Son, Christ Jesus. It would seem that when we come to chapter 15, before the final round of judgments, all the saints are present in heaven, Jew and Gentile, worshiping with one voice the mighty works of King Jesus.

John MacArthur in his commentary on Revelation quotes John Phillips as he compares both songs in the following way. "The song of Moses was sung at the Red Sea, the song of the Lamb sung at the crystal sea; the song of Moses was a song of triumph over Egypt, the song of the Lamb is a song of triumph over Babylon; the song Moses told how God brought His people out, the song of the Lamb tells how God brings His people in; the song of Moses was the first song in Scripture, the song of the Lamb is the last. The song of Moses commemorated the execution of the foe, the expectation of the saints and the exaltation of the Lord; the song of the Lamb deals with the same three themes." The only real reason for having a eternal song in one's heart is knowing that we have been delivered from sin, death, and Satan himself; and only the child of God can make such a claim. With such a hope, we can expect to have a less stressed life when Jesus is the theme to our life's song. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 15)

Last time we looked at Revelation 12-14 where the Apostle John gives the readers a brief description of each of the key characters in this real life drama called "history" or "God's story". As with any play, movie, or drama, it is at the end where you see the true heroes and villains. It is at the end of the story in which everything you have witness comes together to it's rightful conclusion, as written by the author. Throughout the story or drama there may have been characters, plots, dialogue, and action that may not have been clearly recognized or understood in the moment; but a sign of a good movie or drama is to keep it's audience guessing or hooked to the very end. It is no different with all the events that will unfold at the end of time. A lot of action has played out in history for over six thousand years, and now it will come to a dramatic end.

John gives us three main scenes, the first deals with the hatred Satan has toward Israel and the Messiah (12). The second scene deals with the rise of the Anti-christ and false prophet in the end time (13). The last scene pictures the Victorious Lamb of God (14). It is the end of this drama that matters the most. Even when it seemed there were times when Satan might win, it is the final scene of victory in heaven that matters the most. The Lamb is standing with all the redeemed (14:1-5). The Lamb is shown in control of all events and giving out the final blessings and curses upon those who obey or disobey His offer of mercy. It was the Lamb who paid the ultimate price for sin by shedding His blood (5:6), yet now stands in victory over the enemies of the cross. And all those who chose to side with the Lamb, the overcomers, will too experience the victory of the Lamb. When you recognize and embrace Jesus as the only true Warrior, that fact alone should make your life less stressful. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 14)

The only experience I have had in role playing was two different times in high school I signed up for the school play in drama class. In the first production I had a semi-prominent role, and in the second production I worked mainly behind the scenes. I really enjoyed by time on the set, working, building, memorizing, and watching the whole production come together. I may not be the smartest cookie in the jar, but one thing I know about dramas, skits, movies...when the time comes for the action to begin, not just anyone can jump on stage, or in front of the camera and join the cast. The cast has been chosen and pre-approved ahead of time by the director, to fill the needed roles. One might think they would make the best leading character, but quickly find out that the director has the final say in whether or not they get that staring role. In most cases, those who think they are the best in a particular role find out quickly that they don't have what it takes to fulfill the wishes of the director.

It is no different when we talk about the end time and the final act on earth. When the Apostle John writes Revelation 12-14, what he does is give us a brief description of all the main cast and characters in the great tribulation, so the readers will have a better understanding of the great drama that will unfolded in the near future. Every character has been appointed by God for a specific role, and each follow the script perfectly, even the villains. God, the master director has everything in order, even in an environment that seems chaotic. The following are the main characters: Sun-clothed woman (Israel, 12:1-2,5-6,13-17), great red dragon (Satan, 12:3-4,7-9,13-17,13:1), the male child (Christ, 12:5-6), Michael the Archangel (12:7-9), first great beast (anti-Christ, 13:1-8), 2nd beast (false prophet, 13:11-18), and The Lamb (Jesus the Risen Savior, 14:1-21). All cast and characters throughout history have been playing out their role on God's grand stage. God has not empowered any of the sinful acts of devil and men, but He has permitted them in order to bring Him the greatest of glory. This glory is seen in the last chapters of Revelation when we read that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords, and Satan will be judged in the lake of fire forever. When we realize how powerful God truly is, then it makes our life on earth less stressful. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 13)

In Revelation chapter 11, we meet two unnamed witnesses who are sent by God into the heart of the beast's kingdom to display God's power and judgment upon all those who continue to reject God. These two men are yet another sign of God's continual mercy upon the rebels on earth; and yet the story ends with their death and resurrection in the sight of the whole world (7-12). These events will be followed by a great earthquake in Jerusalem, which is then followed by the sounding of the seventh trumpet. The sound of this trumpet calls our attention back to heaven to witness the praise and worship service that once again continues around the throne of God. The seventh seal brought silence into heaven, while the seventh trumpet invites the worship of God back around the throne. The final trumpet anticipates the future reign and victory of Almighty God. This trumpet is not premature in nature, for all of heaven knows the end of the story before the end takes place. The difficulty for the resistance of heaven is to wait for consummation of the groom with His bride.

This trumpet is a future announcement of a sure victory (15). It is an acclamation of praise and worship that anticipates God's judgment upon wicked men (16-18). But this trumpet also assures the multitudes in heaven of God's continual faithfulness to His people (19). The seventh trumpet has a dual purpose in this book, it both announces the upcoming judgment and defeat of the enemies of God, but also it announces the victory and coronation of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a Christian, we are not promised a life of ease in this world, but we do have the promise and hope of a victorious end, no matter how difficult or burdensome our life has been on this side of Heaven. It is not prideful to say, "Greater is He who is in me than He who is in the world." No matter the outward circumstance of life, as God's children, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, we have a victorious future to look forward to - and this will always make our lives less stressful. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 12)

How many times have you eaten something that you thought you would really like only to spit it out because it "left a bad taste in your mouth"? Or, have you ever hesitated to eat something offered to you, but because you did not want to hurt their feelings, you ate, and it "blessed your palate"? When we come to Revelation chapter 10, John calls another time out to give the reader some more background information surrounding all the dramatic events that are being poured out upon the earth. In verses 8-11, God will instruct John to "take the book/scroll which is opened in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the land (8)." The scroll seems to be the one that is being held by Jesus, the Victorious Lamb (5:7). Then John is instructed by God to eat the book. I don't think the command was to be seen as eating the book physically, but if that is what God meant, then who is John to disobey God?

To eat the book is symbolic. In order for John to better understand the message and events he was witnessing and later preaching, he must choose to take into his soul the very words of God, and literally have the Word of God fill him so that from the overflow he would know personally the urgency of the message and events that were coming to man. As John eats the book, two things happen: First, the results of God's Word are sweetness to his mouth, but secondly, the contents of the message end up making his stomach sick. The prophet Ezekiel had a similar encounter with God when he was commanded, "Speak the words you have eaten." (Ez. 3"1-4). The child of God must discipline themselves to daily take in God's Word, so that they can be refreshed spiritually by it's power. And yet, another aspect of God's Word is that it convicts, it bothers the conscience, it's message at times is painful to carry in the pit of our souls, and yet it is needed in our lives. For when we live according to God's word, then we are better able to speak both the positive and negative message to this lost world. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 11)

Revelation chapters 8 & 9 deal with the second round of judgments that come from God's throne upon the kingdom of Satan and his Antichrist. The intensity of the judgment has increased, and yet, no matter the suffering, the response of those still left on earth is complete defiance against Almighty God (9:20-21). Let me take a moment to focus on chapter 8 verses 1-5. When the seventh seal is broken (which leads to the seven trumpets) we read that there was silence in heaven for about 30 minutes. This is the only time we read in Scripture of heaven being absent of praise, worship, and rejoicing. Even though Scripture does not speak of this, I tend to believe that when Christ died on the cross for our sins, it was a time in which all of heaven stood silent, as they witnessed the King of kings, the Son of God suffering a brutal death under the hands of man; but oh the day that He rose from the dead - the celebration and praise around the throne has not ceased....until this particular time in history, the opening of the seventh seal.

We also read that after the last seal is open, and angel is given a golden censer filled with incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And it is this censer that is thrown to the earth as a sign of up coming judgment upon the world. This censer represents all the prayers of the saints, especially verbalized in Revelation 6:10 - "O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" Well, they are given their answer with the opening of the seventh seal. God will answer the prayers of His children and will fulfill His promise, "Vengeance belongs to Him alone!" So for the true child of God, the judgment of the earth should motivate us to warn those among us who are lost, of this upcoming day of God's wrath. Also, it should encourage us to remember that no matter what the world does to God's children, God will always have the last word, and He will always defend His children at the right time. So wait on Him until the end, and be faithful to serve the Lord Almighty. It is when we hold tightly to His promises that we are ensured of a less stressed life. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 10)

Revelation chapter 6 leaves us with a haunting question from the lips of those defiant against the judgment of God, "Who is able to stand?" This question implies several things, first that this judgment comes from a vengeful God who delights in the destruction of all humanity. And second, that this God is not a merciful God. And yet as you read this book, the opposite is clearly seen. Even in judgment, God gives humanity ample time to repent of their wickedness and chose to follow and obey Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. So it should not surprise us that when we read chapter 7, John will take a moment to answer the question proposed by the rebels, to revel the truth about the character of God. It is in this chapter that John will introduce us to two groups of people who have experienced God's mercy and are able to stand with the victorious Lamb in triumph.

The first group is described as being 144,000 witness, all made of of Jewish descent. We see that they have been chosen by God to be His witnesses on earth; a clear act of mercy on the part of God. They will testify of God's salvation, and also warn humanity of the wrath of God. It seems they will all suffer death for their work, but in death they will overcome the evil one. The second group of people are clearly all the Gentiles who will come to know Christ as Savior during the tribulation (9-17). They have died for the faith (14), and yet they stand with the Lamb as victorious warriors for the faith. You see, all humanity falls with in those two groups, Jew or Gentile. Paul states that the Gospel is for both Jew and Gentile (Rom. 1:16). And even in an environment of great judgment and suffering, many will still be given an opportunity to choose to align themselves with Christ by faith and obedience to God's way of salvation. Those who reject will have no footing to claim that this God was too unfair or too tough on them. Sin demands death, and for those who chose to live a life of sin, then the payment for that attitude must be death (Rom. 6:23). When you chose to side with Christ, you can always guarantee a less stressed life. Until next time, keep walking close with Christ.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 9)

When you talk to the average person about the Bible, there is a good chance that the book of Revelation will be brought up. In all my discussions with people good or bad, usually if you ask a typical person on the street if they have a Bible they usually say, "Yes", and quickly that will be followed with the following statement, "I really like the book of Revelations." I usually agree with them, but not for the same reasons. I believe the majority of Americans are fascinated or even scared by this book because many see his book as the movie and TV shows "Star Wars" or "Star Trek". These shows and many others like them are very popular in a culture that loves to explore the unknowns that our future holds. But when I read this book, I try not to get get caught up in whether the Bible describes nuclear war, Apache helicopters, comets hitting the earth, or numbers engraved on people's foreheads. The theme of this book is simple, "Jesus wins, Satan loses...and the children of God rule and reign with Christ forever."

Revelation 6 is one of those chapters where we can get so caught up in trying to figure out who the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are that we miss the purpose for the events described. God's judgment is being poured out upon humanity because they have rejected Him as Savior and Lord. The war, famine, death and terror all play a rightful place in this drama brought on by man's rejection of God. Note, that even as these horrible events plague men during the tribulation of the earth, their reaction is total rebellion against the "One who sits on the throne." (6:16-17) Just like in the OT when the ten plagues were brought upon Egypt, so too on a much larger scale, the power of God is going to be unleashed upon humanity. God wants mankind to acknowledge His has the only true and living God, but like Pharaoh, they will not. The good news is that many will turn their hearts to Christ and be saved, yet they will suffer martyrdom for the faith (9-11). We should not read this book as a futuristic space age novel, but rather a glimpse of what awaits all men who continue to reject Christ as Lord. For the reality of hell is a place where people choose to go because they chose to reject a relationship with Christ, and their life on earth was lived in a way that made it clear to God that they did not want to do things His way, and so hell is that place - a place where God is not. So even as this world keeps turning more opposed to the God of the Bible, you can live a less stressed life knowing God will always be with you and keep you to the very end. Until next time, keep walking close with Christ.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 8)

One place that many people run to lessen a stressful day is into the arms of music. Whether country, rock, pop, contemporary, 80's, classic, etc., music has been a safe place for many to find refuge from a difficult life or day. If you listen to the lyrics of most songs, you will hear that even the artist who either has written the words or sings the melody does so in order to voice an inward or outward stressful situation in which they find themselves dealing with. How many songs deal with a loss of a job, lover, friend, or even life? How many songs deal with poverty, abuse, loneliness, war, and dysfunctional people? Most of the music being sung on many radio stations reflect people who are hurting, worried, and simply stressed out.

The scene is not this way in heaven. The music in heaven will not deal with any loss or any pain. The melody of the angels will not focus on poverty, abuse, loneliness, and war. The choirs of heaven will not contemplate losing family, home, job, or favorite pet. The music and songs flowing through the New Heaven and the New Earth will all be praises to our Victorious King. We get a glimpse of this reality in heaven in Revelations 5:8-14. From the inner circle, to the other courts, to the whole earth, the theme, melody, and tone will be to praise the One who reigns forever. Jesus Christ will be the central message of every song sung. He will be the single reason that our problems, fears, and stresses are forever alleviated. He will be the theme of each chorus that will speak of peace, joy, love, and victory without a single stanza of regret, worry, and hopelessness. If heaven is this way, why can't the child of God feel the same way on this earth? He or she can, but only when they choose to walk with Christ and pursue God with all their heart. When He is the most center part of your life (as the throne room is the center of heaven), then worship will constantly flow from your lips, and this will lead to a less stressed life. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 7)

John has been given a glimpse of the throne room in heaven, and he sees all creatures great and small worshipping and praising the One who is sitting on the throne. When we come to the 5th chapter of Revelation, John is caught up with the joyful atmosphere when a problem arises in heaven - there is a book or scroll that no one is able to open. This scroll is very important, because it is a legal document, a deed or contract to the earth. The one who is able to open the seven seals is the trustworthy executor of this document, to put in place what has been predetermined by God the Father. We read that John begins to weep because no one is found worthy to open this document when given the opportunity. Why the great anguish on John's part? (Notice, all of heaven are not weeping but praising) Without the final judgment upon the earth. the church is left unprotected in the bitter hours of trial and judgment. There is no future judgment for sin nor any triumph for the believers in Christ. For a short moment in heaven, things look very hopeless.

John does not have to weep long, because we read that Jesus Christ, the Lamb, the One who has overcome death and hell, steps forward to take the book from the hand of the Father and takes His rightful place to begin to execute the promised judgment upon the earth. In verse 5, one of the elders tell John that the "Lion from the tribe of Judah" has prevailed. This word in the Greek is "nikao" where we get our English word "nike", meaning victor. He is called the Lamb who is seen "as if slain" but He is standing. This One received a mortal wound, and yet now lives and is the Champion of all heaven and earth. As Jesus takes the scroll, and soon begins to peal back each seal that will bring judgment upon the wicked and vindication for His saints, the sound of praise and worship rings throughout heaven. When you chose to side with the One and only True and Living God, Jesus Christ, then your future will be less stressful. Until next time, keep walking close with Christ.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 6)

Heaven has always been described as a place of peace and rest. Even in the teachings of many other religions, heaven is usually described as a place of escape from all the fear, pain, conflict, and hurt that this world holds for humanity. The Bible speaks a lot about heaven, and this is clearly seen in the book of Revelation. In chapter 4, John gets a glimpse of the center of the universe - the Throne Room of Almighty God. In this chapter, John experiences three situations that are both a source of great joy and comfort; which if taken to heart can also bring a Christan great comfort and joy even in this stressed and sin-filled life.

First, John gets an invitation to heaven's throne (4:1-2). No one dare approach the gates of heaven without an invitation from it's King. How foolish are men who think that they can get to heaven any way they deem possible. This mentality does not even make sense when trying to get into the White House, Buckingham Palace, or even the Vatican. All men must have an invitation to heaven, and the pass is clear from Scripture, Only those who accept the Son, Jesus Christ and His work on the cross may enter heaven (John 14:6). Second, John experiences the person of Jesus Christ (4:2-3). The one who is greater than the greatest light, more precious the the rarest jewel, the Lover and yet Savior of the Redeemed, now is seated in His proper place, the throne in heaven. What a source of comfort to know that Jesus rules and reigns over all. Third, John experiences the praise before the throne (4:4-11). All the creatures and all the saints in heaven behold the throne and worship He who reigns. The one who died for the sins of the world, is now declared by all creatures as holy, eternal, and the only one worthy to receive all glory, honor, and thanks. When you read these verses, and put yourself in John's shoes, how can you keep from having a less stressed life, as you constantly remember the end of the story for all those who are children of the King - HEAVEN. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.