Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 21)

When we come to the final chapter in the book of Revelation, we hear three distinct voices giving the Apostle John, as well as it's readers, final instruction about our activities, as we wait for Christ's return.  John does not hear instructions to pursue, wealth, health, prosperity, and happiness.  The final instruction for all believers is to pursue holiness as we wait for the return of our Lord and Savior.  If we live our lives as the world preaches, to pursue the advancement of self interest, I can guarantee a life filled with unwanted stress and misery.  But if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and pursue after a life of obedience and holiness in accordance to God's Holy Word, then and only then will we begin to understand our true purpose of life and be less worried about tomorrow as we seek to live each day for God's glory. 

In Revelation 22:6,8-9,10-11, we hear the voice of God's angel giving John three important directives.  First, Believe in This Book for it is True (6).  I read a teenager's comments the other day that stated since the world is changing and becoming more understanding, the Bible needs to be updated to 21st century times.  How foolish to say that you believe in a perfect God and yet in the next breathe state that the Bible has errors and needs to be modernized.  God's Word is unique in that it stands the test of time for any civilization.  The Word speaks to every human need without compromise: the problem of sin and humanities need for a Savior.  Second, John is instructed to Worship God Alone (8-9).  That command needs no explanation other than the fact as you continue reading, Jesus Christ is that God worthy of worship.  Third, the angel instructions John to Continue Living Holy Lives (10-11).   Those who are bent toward sin will continue to sin without repentance, yet the true believer will hate sin and seek to live a life as Christ lived, holy and righteous before God.  If you and I hear and live out these three commands, not only is God pleased with us, but you will have a less stressful time understanding God's purpose for you life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.   

Monday, May 14, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 20)

The key subject for this blog is the word "stress".  I have talked about how it affects all humans, some key causes to stress, and how we can alleviate most of our stress in this life.  When we talk about "heaven" is it safe to say that it will be a place where there will be no "stress" as we know it today?  The subject of afterlife must be answered by all religions and worldviews.  A few religions have no clear answer about afterlife, thus creating more stress for their followers.  Most religions try to answer the question about afterlife by describing a world beyond this one that is quite different than the one we are experiencing now.  A place usually described as free from pain, death, sadness, and stress.  Most religions teach of an afterlife  called "heaven" or "nirvana".  Well, the concept of heaven is described in greater detail in Revelation 21.  It would seem that after the earth has been cleansed by fire, God will bring heaven and earth together, and this will be the new heaven and earth described in Scripture.  God Himself, the Lamb of God will personally sit and rule over all the earth from His throne in Jerusalem.  All those who have accept and declared Jesus to be Lord and Savior will rule and reign with Him on this new earth/heaven.  For you see, the Scriptural description of heaven is not a place out in the middle of the universe, but it is the place where Jesus is. 

In this new heaven and earth, several new realities will be experienced that will remove the stresses that we face living in a sinful world.  First, God's presence will be realized in all it's fullness (3).  God will be with His people.  Second, God's comfort will be personally experienced in it's fullness (4).  No more tears, sorrow, pain, or death will be a part of heaven's residents.  Third, all of God's promises will be lived out and fulfilled.  Fourth, all the blessings of God will be experienced and lived under for all of eternity.  There will be no more curses, but we will live in the constant healing that flows from the throne of God.  The residents of heaven will bask forever in the light of God's glory, and it will be the source of power that draws the nations of the world to God's very throne to worship and adore Him forever .  God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ will be the center of the universe in this new heaven and earth, and forever more we will serve, worship, and enjoy the most meaningful of all lives, without the stresses that distract us from a perfect work.  With our eyes fixed forward heaven, we can look forward to a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 19)

Everyone can think a place that they would rather not go; places that cause the heart to beat a little faster in fear, and moisten the palms of our hands with perspiration.  For me, just the thought of going to get a shot causes me anxiety, even though I know most shots don't really hurt.  The idea of talking or visiting with someone from the IRS causes some stress even when I know all the paperwork is in working order.  And as a pastor, it takes some prompting of my self-conscience to go to the home of someone I know may be upset with me.  Yet as a Christian (a person who has given their heart to Jesus Christ and is committed to follow Him where-ever He leads), there is one destination of the most stressful kind, that we will never have to visit, and that is hell.  In Revelation chapter 20, the apostle John gives us a glimpse into hell and the lake of fire, two places that were made for the devil and his angels; yet a place that all people will go who choose to reject Christ as Savior and Lord, and try to get to heaven on their own terms.   

God is perfect, holy, and righteous.  Sin is not conforming to God's law and standard of living.  So by the very definition, sin and God can never mix, ever.  So while heaven is the place where God dwells, it makes perfect sense that hell would be the place that sin demands.  The Bible states that all humanity who have rejected Christ Jesus will stand before the Righteous Judge at the Great White Throne Judgement (20:11-15), not to defend themselves but to hear their sentence.  All the lost will be judged from several books, including the Bible and the Lamb's Book of Life, and their final sentence will be eternal death in the lake of fire.  There will be no second chances, no do-overs, no mercy.  The punishment for a sinful, rebellious attitude toward God's Word will manifest itself in this awful place called the Lake of Fire.  As Christians, we are quick to warn people about a bad restaurant, but why in God's name are we timid to warn people about a places Jesus mentioned more times than heaven, hell.  If we are truly walking close to Christ, then we will have the passion to tell more people about the realities of hell, a place that should bring fear to our heart anytime we hear the word.