Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Forgiveness, Oh What a Feeling 1

I have entitled my blog, "Walking with God relieves stress". This statement is so truth. When we walk close with God, what do we have to fear? One lesson that I have learned over time is as His child, when I walk hand in hand with God, there is one lesson He keeps teaching me, and that is the lesson of forgiveness. If you think about it, when one truly begins their walk with God, the walk begins with forgiveness. There was a time in which I recognized that in my self I was not good but rather an "enemy" to a holy, just, and perfect God (Rom. 5:10). How does an enemy of God get unto heaven? How does one clothed in sinful flesh stand in the presence of a holy God? Well, I cannot stand on my own merit before a holy, just, and perfect God! I must walk on my knees in humility, and humble myself before His presence and cry out for His mercy and forgiveness of my sin. Then and only then can I be made whole through His perfect love and forgiveness. Forgiveness meets all humanity at the foot of the cross.

Since my decision to follow Christ, He has freely forgiven me of my sins, and now the burden of sin has been released, and I walk in victory - talk about relieving horrible stress. Yet, the journey does not end there, for our walk is filled with moments, before God and man, in which we will need to seek forgiveness. King David writes in Psalms 32:1-7 of his own personal experience with sin, and the difference between an unforgiven and forgiven heart. Let me note four brief points: First, forgiven sin produces true happiness (32:1-2). Second, unconfessed sin produces great sorrow (32:3-4). Third, confessed sin produces instant relief (32:5-6). Fourth, forgiven sin produces true happiness (32:1-2,7). I can sum up those four points with one sentence: "Immediate confession of our sin to God is a vital part of maintaining a joyful and victorious Christian life." In other words, when we daily seek God's forgiveness from sin that is in our lives, His forgiveness bring instant joy and happiness that in turn will produce a "less stressed life!" Who in this world would not want to feel this way? Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Stress Has a Useful Purpose (Part 3)

I will conclude this part with the promise found in Scripture, that for the Christian stress can be of great profit. George Sweeting states, "A Christians is like a teabag, he is not worth much until he has been through some hot water." Maybe we can apply that to the Church as well. In James 1:9-12, we see the author encouraging the Church to continue through the stressful season of life in order to receive a great reward. James mentions that there is a profit for the poor man. The profit is the fact that God thinks highly of those who are poor. This does not mean that being poor is an guarantee of heaven, but rather knowing that most Christians at this time were enduring poverty, they were to realize that poverty was only temporary, and in reality they were truly rich from knowing Christ. James also writes to the rich man and admonishes him to walk in humility, because all wealth can vanish in a moment; both poverty and prosperity are temporary. The real reward is the final reward, only given to those who are children of the King.

Stress is very profitable. Yes, we may not see it today, but the real reward will come at the end of this life; and so we are commanded to hold our ground in this battle to the very end. In the end, we will receive the "crown of life", which speaks of eternal life in heaven. Still, until our departure we need to remember the words of the Apostle Paul when he states, "Whatever state I find myself, I will be content. " This is the best attitude to carry if we are going to overcome any stressful situation. If we will see every stressful situation (ones not of our own making) as an instrument by God to make us more mature for His service, than our body, mind, and spirit will be content to run this race to the very end. Until then, let me suggest some help tips if you are feeling stressed out: 1) Take time off. 2) Have a sense of humor. 3) Spend more time with God. 4) Don't isolate yourself, get with people like you. 5) Exercise, help your body. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.