Monday, May 5, 2014

How To Be a Fruity Christian (Part 12)

It is a safe assumption that those who have a very difficult time with patience also have a problem with stress in their life.  The key to victory over stress in our life is to cultivate a life of patience.  I have already shown in previous posts that a Christian has been given the Holy Spirit to help cultivate this area of patience, that we all desperately need.  I want to take a moment to look at Scripture to show four key areas in a Christians life that must be properly dealt with in order to develop a life of patience. 

First, there is a relationship between patience and forgiveness.  In Matthew 18:21-35, this parable teaches us that having patience/longsuffering is directly connected with our willingness to forgive those who have hurt us.  In turn, God's patience with us is in measure to how we react and forgive others.  Second, there is a relationship between patience and maturity.  Psalms 27:14 commands us to "Wait on the Lord..."  Isaiah 30:18 states, "Blessed are all who wait for Him..."  There is no such thing as "instant Christianity."  We are saved instantly, but all of us are walking through a slow process, learning how to live and act like Christ.  Third, there is a relationship between patience and perseverance.  Christians are called at times to wait through suffering (James 5:10).  We are all called to wait for Christ's second coming (2 Pt. 3:1-9).  Last, there is a connection between patience and prayer.  Romans 12:12 teaches us this truth.  If we discipline our lives in these four areas, then we will see our love and patience for God and others grow in our lives, and in turn we will have a less stressed life.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.