Monday, January 12, 2009

Having a Kingdom Attitude 9

Many years ago, Elihu Burrit wrote, "No human being can come into this world without increasing or diminishing the sum total of human happiness, not only of the present but of every subsequent age of humanity." When we come to Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus teaches us that true believers should strive to make a positive mark on this earth. He compares Christians to two objects - light & salt. Jesus states that when Christians live with a Kingdom attitude, they have a major influence in this dark and decaying environment. Sin brought darkness, decay, and death, yet Christ brings light & life. Jesus states that "you" are salt. In Bible days salt was very valuable, not only in preserving and favoring, but also it was used to pay the Roman soldiers (here is where we get the phrase 'not worth his salt'). But what Jesus had in this verse is the idea of preservation. When Christians live, talk, and act as their Master, then the evil influences in this world are weakened. Salt prevents the entire earth from degenerating even faster. Christians have the effect of delaying moral and spiritual rottenness.

Christians are also called to be "little lights", reflecting The Light of the World, Christ Jesus. What does light do? If both attracts and repels. It reveals the right path. It exposes what is right and wrong. This is why God leaves Christians in this wicked world - we have a mission to reveal the way to heaven for all men. Jesus reveals that with such a calling there is also a danger with both salt and light. First, even though salt could never lose its inherent saltiness; yet because of impurities, the salt would lose its effectiveness and strength. How many Christians have allowed worldly pollution to corrupt their testimonies? Second, with light, the danger is that we hide our testimony, thus minimizing the value and effectiveness of the light. Oh friend, when we are obedient to God's mission on this earth as salt and light, then the end result is God will be glorified by the world through our lives; thus bringing us a less stressed life. Well, until next time, keep walking close with Christ.

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