Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back to the Future (Part 4)

Do you like awards, trophies, medals, certificates of appreciation, or gifts? I have never met anyone who would say no to that question. In fact, it seems that deep in the human spirit, there rest an overwhelming desire to be recognized and even honored. In fact, humans beings in general are always striving for their "fifteen minutes of fame." Shows like "Fear Factor", "Survivor", and yes even "Toddlers and Tiaras". Usually, when someone takes their own life, it is not after they won a million dollars on a game show, or sign a contract with a record deal after a you-tube video went viral, or even after staring on a reality TV show. Suicide rates are highest among those who are lonely, bullied, and even those who are overlooked for a moment of honor.

When we look at Scripture we see that Christians should not seek honor and recognition for the attention alone (Matthew 23), but that does not mean we have nothing to work for in this life.
Jesus and Paul speak often of awards that will be given to God's children at the end of this age. This promise is clearly seen in Revelations 2 & 3 at the end of each letter to the church, Jesus concludes by reminding His persecuted children of the awards that will be theirs when they overcome this life through their faithfulness to Jesus Christ. Here are the awards: access to the tree of life (2:7), crown of life (2:10), manna and a new name (2:17), authority over the nations (2:26), permanent name (3:5), permanent residence in New Jerusalem (3:12), to reign with Jesus (3:21). Jesus Himself has personally promised to honor and award those in heaven who are faithful to the very end of their life here on earth. And if you look closely at each award, they all speak to the same priceless honor - "Eternal salvation and life with Jesus in a new heaven and new earth." When you think about the greatness of this award, then our outlook on this life as Christians should take on more purpose and less stress. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

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