Monday, March 19, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 15)

Last time we looked at Revelation 12-14 where the Apostle John gives the readers a brief description of each of the key characters in this real life drama called "history" or "God's story". As with any play, movie, or drama, it is at the end where you see the true heroes and villains. It is at the end of the story in which everything you have witness comes together to it's rightful conclusion, as written by the author. Throughout the story or drama there may have been characters, plots, dialogue, and action that may not have been clearly recognized or understood in the moment; but a sign of a good movie or drama is to keep it's audience guessing or hooked to the very end. It is no different with all the events that will unfold at the end of time. A lot of action has played out in history for over six thousand years, and now it will come to a dramatic end.

John gives us three main scenes, the first deals with the hatred Satan has toward Israel and the Messiah (12). The second scene deals with the rise of the Anti-christ and false prophet in the end time (13). The last scene pictures the Victorious Lamb of God (14). It is the end of this drama that matters the most. Even when it seemed there were times when Satan might win, it is the final scene of victory in heaven that matters the most. The Lamb is standing with all the redeemed (14:1-5). The Lamb is shown in control of all events and giving out the final blessings and curses upon those who obey or disobey His offer of mercy. It was the Lamb who paid the ultimate price for sin by shedding His blood (5:6), yet now stands in victory over the enemies of the cross. And all those who chose to side with the Lamb, the overcomers, will too experience the victory of the Lamb. When you recognize and embrace Jesus as the only true Warrior, that fact alone should make your life less stressful. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

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