Monday, April 9, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 17)

Every human begins their journey as a rebel against God. This is a truth lived out in the world and lived out in Scripture. Even Satan, a created being, rebelled against God. Adam and Eve, created humans, rebelled against God's one law, and brought sin upon all mankind. In Genesis 6, man is so rebellious against God that God chooses to destroy the earth with the flood. Then after the flood, it is not long before those who witnessed and heard first hand accounts about God's power were rebelling against Him by building a tower called Babel, instead of populating all the earth as God commanded humans to do. It should not surprise us then when we come to the last book of the Bible, the past, present, and future heart of man can be summed up with that one word, "rebellious."

The title of "Babylon" in chapters 17 & 18 is not in reference to a particular city, but rather it represents man's rebellion toward God; a universal system that is being manipulated by the anti-Christ to pollute the whole world with his false message of religion, pride, and wealth. Babylon represents a false, evil, and wicked system, a cancer, that corrupts both the religious and economic systems of the world, in the end of time. The "mysterious woman" found in chapter 17 represents the conglomerate of all the false teachers, doctrines and religions on the earth. She is called the "Harlot", the opposite of the Church, "the Bride". This system will be intoxicating and addicting (vs.2), and the whole world will celebrate their rebellious heart against Almighty God. But as you read a little further in the chapters, you see the collapse of both systems as God begins to judgment humanity for their defiant rebellion against His Word. The end is always the same for those who choose to rebel against God, absolute discipline and judgment. This warning should always motive God's children to carefully listen, believe, and obey His every word. If we choose, that path, then our lives will be less stressful. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

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