Monday, June 4, 2012

Back to the Future (Part 22)

We have been looking at the last chapter of the Bible, written by the apostle John, to Christians around the world.  The final words are words of encouragement to those who are going through great persecution for being a follower of Christ.  Many who read this book are discouraged, hurting, and looking for any sign of hope for the return of Christ.  So it should not surprise us that the last chapter is filled with words of encouragement, from three different sources, to Christian readers living in various stressful times.  The first words came from the lips of an angel in the form of three commands:  Believe in God's true word!  Worship God alone!  Continue living holy lives was you wait for Christ's return! 

The second person to speak and encourage the Christian reader come from the lips of the Lamb, Christ Jesus.  Notice what Jesus has to say to the believer as they live expecting and waiting for God's kingdom to be completed on this earth as it is in heaven.  First, Jesus states that He will always bless the obedient (22:7).  Those who "heed" are those who obey, protect, and guard God's Word in their lives.  If we choose to obey all of God's written word, then there is a continual blessing on those believers.  Second, Jesus emphasises that He is coming quickly (22:7,12-13,20).  The word "quickly" does not mean in a few minutes, but rather implies that the clock has been started, and it cannot be stopped by man or event.  Jesus Christ is coming soon and everything is on course for that event.  Third, Jesus encourages the reader to always remember that He is the author of the book (22:16).  Human nature has a demonic tendency to put the Bible on the same level of any other religious book or secular book written by men.  The Bible has it's origins from the very lips of God, and it is a miracle that He used sinful men, led under the power of the Holy Spirit, to pen the words that He spoke.  If we believe that He wrote this book, then everything in it's pages is complete and true, just like God's own character.  And we have this assurance that if we completely believe and obey Jesus' final instruction to us, then you and I will live out a victorious Christian life and will have less stress as we wait for His return.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.       

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