Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Confident that God Sees Each Step I Take

As parents, we look forward to the many special moments that make up the growth of our children.  When they are born, we love being able to hold them in our arms and surround them with all the love we can squeeze into their tiny bodies.  But it is not long before they begin to grow up so quickly, and we find ourselves not able to hold them as we once did.  One aspect of this development is waiting for your baby to take their first steps.  They go from laying, to rolling, to crawling, to standing, to walking, and then running.  And even though as a parent we long to experience all these events with our children, there have been many parents who were not able to share these momentous endeavors with their children for one simple reason:  they could not be in two places at once.

This is never true of God, our Heavenly Father.  The whole book of Daniel has proven this very fact.  In fact, in Daniel 11, God gives Daniel detailed instructions of specific step several of the great kings of this world would take.  God walks in the future and saw every step king Alexander the Great made in life(11:3-10).  God witnessed every step of Antiochus the Great (11:11-20).  God watched every step of Antiochus Epiphanes (11:21-35).  And God knows every plan and step the final anti-Christ will make(11:36-45 & Rev. 13-17).  It does not matter who you are, where you are, or what you do, the Almighty God has His eyes on you.  He knows every step the wicked and righteous will make in their life.  He sees every day of man's life.  The Bible says that there is nothing hid from God.  With God's eyes fixed upon you, as if you are the only person in the universe, it should motivate us to live a more righteous and obedient life before Him, as well as, be comforted in knowing that God never leaves His children alone.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.    

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