Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How to Be a Fruity Christian (Part 3)

I do not claim to be an expert in farming or cultivating fruit trees.  Yet I do enjoy planting both vegetables and fruit trees, and then spending the next months and even years watching them produce their bounty.   In all my work, I have learned that the more I (the care-taker) do for my plants, the better they will produce.  If I carefully prepare the soil, fertilize, weed, water, and spray correctly, then those plants will produce a better harvest.  This truth also applies to the Christian life.  In order for the child of God to produce a bountiful harvest the cultivator or vine-dresser (John 15:1-5), Jesus Himself, will do all He can so that we, His vines, will produce bountifully for His glory.    We should not worry about the vine-dresser's cares for us.  He will only do for His children what will be the best for our spiritual growth.  In fact, God uses discipline and correction as part of the pruning process in our lives.  Yes, it is painful for the tree and for the child of God, but the end result is a great harvest.  This growth and harvest is depended only as we "abide in Christ (John 15:4 & Ps. 1:3).  If we purpose to discipline our lives daily, to walk closely with Christ, the fruit of the Spirit will be evident by all.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ. 

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