Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How to Be a Fruity Christian (Part 14)

What is the value of kindness?  Can you put a value on a world in which every person living is kind toward each other?  We realize that the world in which we live today is far from being universally kind toward each other, and this is a key symptom to the fact that the vast majority of people in this world do not have God's Holy Spirit living within them.  Galatians 5:22 clearly states that the true child of God will bear the fruit of kindness, an overflow of God's love working within our heart toward each other. 

I guess there are many examples of how we can be kind toward each other, but let me share four ways God's Word commands Christians to show our kindness in our world.  First, be gentle to pick up a fallen brother (Gal. 6:1).  None of us are perfect, so when we see others miss up in life, be gentle as you lift them up.  Second, be kind to bear each others burdens (Gal. 6:2-5; Matt. 11:30).  Third, be kind to build each other up (Gal. 6:6).  The world is full of put downs.  The church should be filled with people who long to make those around them stronger.  Last, your kindness is not a waste, what you reap you will sow (Gal. 6:7-10).  One of the greatest opportunities for us to show kindness in this world is when we choose to forgive those who have hurt us.  Kindness is not easy nor free (look at the cross of Christ), but kindness is always expected of Christians.  Until next time, keep walking closely with Christ. 

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