Monday, September 12, 2011

Having a Kingdom Attitude 22

As we look at the last verses of Matthew 7, I am reminded of all the recent natural disasters that have overwhelmed our nation in this last year. Tornadoes, fires, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc., all have been apart of our lives, and have reminded us how truly insignificant we as humans are in this vast universe. I have been through several major storms in my life, including tornadoes, and I can say that when one is facing those type of powerful storms, there is a sense of fear and stress that surrounds our minds and hearts during those events. The apostle Matthew gives us the last metaphor that Jesus uses to expose the truth and helps distinguish real Christians verses fake Christians. This metaphor is of two foundations, one being made out of rock (vs. 24-25), and the one made our of sand (26-27). Both foundations and homes built on those sites face a great storm, yet the end result is the house built on the rock stood firm, while the one built on the sand was destroyed.

A true believer will face all sort of storms and troubles in life. As John Hayes writes, "Give us fewer books with titles like The Power of Positive Thinking and more books with titles like Failing but Still Surviving. The true calm in the storm, the true relief from the stress of this life comes when we know on what foundation we are building our life and the lives of our family upon. Jesus makes a power statement when describing the unshakable foundation, he states that this firm foundation are "My Words." If you build your life on God's Word, the Bible, then you will stand forever (which includes heaven); but those who live their lives according to any other set of blueprints, will experience a great collapse during the storms of life, including death itself. Jesus' teaching is clear, there is only two choices one can make in life, and only one correct way to heaven. When you choose Jesus, the only way (John 14:6), then you will have a less stressed life. Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.

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