Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How to be a Fruity Christian (Part 6)

We have seen so far that the key fruit of the Spirit is love, from which the other nine virtues flow.  We have also learned that even this world takes the word "love" and applies to mean affection for  food, pets, and movies, as well as a word used to justify their sinful lifestyles.  The reality of the manner is that we as human would know nothing about true love had it not be for God demonstrating that love toward us as noted in John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

Once a person is transformed by God's love, then this key fruit begins to ripen and develop their life.  How is this love demonstrated in a Christians life?   First, it proves who is really a child of God (1 John 3:14;4:7).  Some of the other characteristics/fruits might be counterfeited by our old nature, but God's love (agape) can not be counterfeit.  Either you have God's love in your life or you don't!  Second, God's love forgives (Matt. 18:21-35).  It will move you to forgive your spouse, children, friends, and even your enemies.  True love never seeks revenge, but forgives those who have hurt you just like Christ forgives us.  And last, true love is displayed through our work (Matt. 5:43-48).  There are plenty of people in this world who claim to love, but God's love is only displayed through self-sacrifice.  During WW 2, at Ravensbruck concentration camp, hundreds of women were chosen to be taken to the gas chamber.  One of the women in line became hysterical not wanting to die.  From a crowd of woman not chosen for death, a figure emerged and approached the woman broken by fear and hysteria.  She said, "It's all right.  It's all right.  I'll take your place."  This lady, was Elizabeth Pilenko (Mother Maria), a nun arrested and sentenced to Ravensbruck because of her love for the Jews, as to hid them in her home.  The time she lived in this prison, even the guards spoke of her as "that wonderful Russian nun."  It is examples like this throughout the ages that proves how powerful the love of God truly is when it takes root in the hearts of men and women.  Until next time, keep walking close to Christ.          

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